30 Ways in 30 Days to Fight Hunger
1 Print this calendar and place it on your refrigerator
2 Labor Day Like the Food Bank on Facebook and Twitter
3 Host a virtual food drive asking friends and family to donate
4 Sponsor a child to receive a school year of weekend food – in the Back Pack Program
5 Schedule a tour to learn more about the Food Bank
6 Display an orange ribbon or light outside your home
7 Organize a brown bag lunch at work and donate savings to the Food Bank
8 Honor a grandparent for Grandparents Day. Give $10 online = $100 worth of food
9 Bookmark the FBNWLA website foodbanknla.org
10 Collect jars of peanut butter to donate to the Food Bank
11 Follow the Food Bank on Twitter
12 Hunger Action Day: Wear orange in observance of Hunger Action Day and KTAL: 6 Hours of Caring
13 Subscribe to the Food Bank e-newsletter at foodbanknla.org/newsletter.html
14 Host a Football Tailgate party and collect funds for the Food Bank $1=$10 food
15 Clean Out Your Freezer Day at First United Methodist Church with Hunters for the Hungry
16 Call the Food Bank to schedule a tour of the facility
17 Set up a virtual food drive with your church congregation
18 Make coffee this week at home and donate the savings to the Food Bank
19 Take the SNAP challenge. Live a day on $5
20 Organize a Food Drive at your business, school or church
21 Write your elected officials supporting funding for food bank programs
22 Share your thoughts on hunger on a paper plate and post to social media
23 Set up a recurring donation to the FBNWLA online
24 Attend the Food Bank Ground Breaking event at 9:30 am, 265 Mt. Zion Road, Shreveport
25 Volunteer at the Food Bank to sort and pack food
26 Post a hunger fact or promote the Food Bank on social media
27 Make plans to continue to support hunger relief activities in your community
28 Skip a meal and experience hunger firsthand
29 Help FIGHT Hunger! Donate at foodbanknla.org
30 Volunteer to pack Senior Food Boxes at the Food Bank
Join the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana in the fight against hunger this September! Pick one or more activities on this calendar in observance of Hunger Action Month ™ and let us know about it! Every little bit to raise awareness and funding makes a BIG impact. #HungerActionMonth
1 Print this calendar and place it on your refrigerator
2 Labor Day Like the Food Bank on Facebook and Twitter
3 Host a virtual food drive asking friends and family to donate
4 Sponsor a child to receive a school year of weekend food – in the Back Pack Program
5 Schedule a tour to learn more about the Food Bank
6 Display an orange ribbon or light outside your home
7 Organize a brown bag lunch at work and donate savings to the Food Bank
8 Honor a grandparent for Grandparents Day. Give $10 online = $100 worth of food
9 Bookmark the FBNWLA website foodbanknla.org
10 Collect jars of peanut butter to donate to the Food Bank
11 Follow the Food Bank on Twitter
12 Hunger Action Day: Wear orange in observance of Hunger Action Day and KTAL: 6 Hours of Caring
13 Subscribe to the Food Bank e-newsletter at foodbanknla.org/newsletter.html
14 Host a Football Tailgate party and collect funds for the Food Bank $1=$10 food
15 Clean Out Your Freezer Day at First United Methodist Church with Hunters for the Hungry
16 Call the Food Bank to schedule a tour of the facility
17 Set up a virtual food drive with your church congregation
18 Make coffee this week at home and donate the savings to the Food Bank
19 Take the SNAP challenge. Live a day on $5
20 Organize a Food Drive at your business, school or church
21 Write your elected officials supporting funding for food bank programs
22 Share your thoughts on hunger on a paper plate and post to social media
23 Set up a recurring donation to the FBNWLA online
24 Attend the Food Bank Ground Breaking event at 9:30 am, 265 Mt. Zion Road, Shreveport
25 Volunteer at the Food Bank to sort and pack food
26 Post a hunger fact or promote the Food Bank on social media
27 Make plans to continue to support hunger relief activities in your community
28 Skip a meal and experience hunger firsthand
29 Help FIGHT Hunger! Donate at foodbanknla.org
30 Volunteer to pack Senior Food Boxes at the Food Bank
Join the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana in the fight against hunger this September! Pick one or more activities on this calendar in observance of Hunger Action Month ™ and let us know about it! Every little bit to raise awareness and funding makes a BIG impact. #HungerActionMonth